Bounty Game GTA 5 Guide

Embark on unique missions in GTA V Bounty Game for exclusive rewards and hidden treasures.

GTA 5 Guide From Bounty Game

If you want to get the most out of GTA 5, having a guide is key. Grand Theft Auto 5 offers an exciting story, tons of side missions, collectible items, and plenty of secrets to discover. Exploring everything by yourself can take a lot of time, and you might miss hidden content. Our GTA 5 guide gives you everything you need to know about Los Santos and Blaine County, thanks to Bounty Game.

This guide covers everything, from basic cheats and money-making tips to stunt jumps, mods, and how to get the Dodo. We’ll also show you how to find Peyote Plants, letter scraps tied to a murder mystery, spaceship parts, nuclear waste, and much more. This guide will help you uncover hidden treasures and work toward 100% completion. Ready for a deep dive into the game? Let’s get started with our Bounty Game guide!

How to Cheat in GTA 5

If you just want to have fun in Los Santos and don’t mind turning off trophies or achievements, you can try many cheats. You can use button sequences, secret phone numbers, and PC console commands.

Peyote Plant Locations

There are 27 Peyote Plants scattered around the map. Eating one will make you experience a hallucinatory trip where you take control of an animal!

Stunt Jump Locations

There are 50 ramps and launch pads across the map, each ready for you to perform epic stunt jumps.

Under the Bridge Locations

Test your flying abilities by flying under each of the 50 bridges on the map.

Letter Scrap Locations

There are 50 hidden letter scraps that tell a story about the murder of actress Leonora Johnson. Collect them all to reveal the truth.

Spaceship Parts Locations & Unlocking the Space Docker

After starting the Far Out Strangers and Freaks mission, Omega will send you on a quest to find 50 spaceship parts. Collect them all and return them to Omega to earn the special Space Docker vehicle.

Nuclear Waste Locations

After completing The Merryweather Heist, you can buy the Sonar Collections Dock in Paleto Cove. Use your new submarine to search for 30 barrels of toxic waste scattered across the ocean.

Monkey Mosaic Locations & Unlocking Monkey Outfits

After finishing the Complications story mission, you’ll get a message from Lamar about Monkey Mosaics popping up around Los Santos. Take pictures of all 50 mosaics to unlock monkey outfits for Trevor and a Go Go Monkey Blista vehicle.

Wildlife Photography Challenge & Unlocking the Kraken Submarine

After completing the first Paparazzi Strangers and Freaks mission, Beverly will sign you up for a photography challenge where you need to snap pictures of 20 animals to unlock the Kraken Submarine.

Completing the Epsilon Program & Finding Epsilon Tract Locations

Kifflom! After completing the Father and Son mission, Michael can join the Epsilon Program and go on a spiritual journey that leads to big rewards.

How to Make Money on the Stock Market by Completing Assassinations

GTA 5 has two stock markets: Liberty City National (LCN) and BAWSAQ. You can make huge profits by completing Lester’s assassination missions and using your actions to affect the stock prices.

Bounty Game Tips and Insights

If you’re playing GTA 5 through Bounty Game, this section will give you special tips to maximize your experience. Bounty Game offers exclusive quests, missions, and rewards, so be sure to take full advantage of everything it has to offer.

By following this guide, you’ll have everything you need to make your time in GTA 5 as rewarding as possible. Whether you’re completing side missions or exploring every secret, we’ve got you covered. Dive into the world of Bounty Game and take your GTA 5 journey to the next level. Happy gaming!


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